Isn't this door wonderful? I drive by this old abandoned house almost every day and I want to save this beautiful old blue door. The details are so nice. The blue is perfect. I found the owners name but haven't had the nerve to call.
There are signs posted
Keep Out
but, I have been married to my husband to long.
I ignored them and took a peek inside.
I feel sorry for this old house.
Am I the only person that would feel sorry for a building?
I just wonder who has lived there, why doesn't anyone still live there.
It is small but apartments are small.
It is to far gone now.
I'd just like to have the door.
Maybe I'll call this weekend.
2 more days to register for my drawing. I'm giving away a book and a CD. Check out last post and comment there about The Civil Wars videos and you can have a chance to win.
I can not tell you how excited I am so I will show you by having a giveaway.
While I have had so much (Free) time while being without the internet in my off hours, I have been reading.
I have been reading some of the many books I have on my shelf's and I just finished a book I purchased at our library sale. It was published in 1987. I was drawn into the story right away. It feels a lot like some of the classics I have read and the story line was new and different than what I have read before. I really liked Joe and his Grandfather. There are lots of story lines to keep you wanting more. I'm not a good reviewer so I copied this from a web review.
"The River in Winter is the story of 17 year old Joe Weatherfields attempt to find love, mercy, and redemption in a world charged with the moral wreckage of family decisions made long before he was born. His search carries him from Massachusetts to Florida and finally to Dunmocks Head, Maine, where he rediscovers his long-estranged grandfather and quickly becomes involved in a kidnapping, a murder, and a long-buried scandal all of which leads him to the hard irredeemable lesson that the innocent are often as guilty as the damned."
I also read a book I found in my Grandmothers house published in 1880!
Surprisingly I also enjoyed it. You can find this book and read it on line. I'm going to try another one of his now that I have internet access at home.
Now on to some music. I have discovered my newest favorite band, The Civil Wars. I purchased their CD, Barton Hollow at Target on Tuesday and it is hard for me not to listen to it over and over. It is indy-folk and I love the feel of their songs. I chose to share this video because it is powerful. It speaks about how sometimes a couple will not like each other even though they do love each other. If you like this, check out some of their other videos on You Tube
So now for the giveaway.
Post a comment about the video or about your favorite song by The Civil Wars by Feb. 24th and I will draw a name from the comments and I will send you my copy of "The River in Winter" and a new (not my!) CD of The Civil Wars~Barton Hollow! Sorry, I can't part with my copy of The Day of Fate ;)
I can't wait to hear what you think of my new favorite band!