Saturday, January 1, 2011


I just came across my written thoughts for my blog entry for my word for 2010. Having seen other bloggers choosing a word to represent their thoughts and hopes for the new year I figured I'd do the same.

A year has passed and it was very interesting to read what my thoughts were back then.
Did I remember my word?

No...I did not. LOL

Well, it was an interesting read. (smile)

Life is still up in the air for us and actually less settled in some areas than it was a year ago. The bank bought our house back so we will be moving in the next few months. We are still waiting for a job for my husband. (please, keep praying. I know God has something for him.)
I, on the other hand was able to get a part time job last week that I am enjoying. If we stay in the area I hope it will become full time.

As I revisited my thoughts and feelings I see that God has not forsaken us and has provided; food, clothing, and shelter but most of all a drawing closer as a family and stronger faith in God. We have seen what truly matters and that is our love for one another and those who God has put into our lives.
I guess I am going to take a leap this year and choose as my word for 2011 as...

This coming year, I feel, will be full of adventures.
We will have to move
I am closing my business after 26 years
I am starting a totally different job
I am pursuing new avenues to express myself artistically
Our youngest just turned 18, will graduate high school and leave for Miami Florida in the fall for College.
(That alone would be enough for some people.)
Our oldest will turn 21 in the summer and graduate from college.
(Praying she will be able to find a job that will allow her to live independently)

Instead of looking at all these changes in a negative, fearful light. I will continue last years outlook in hopeful anticipation, waiting to see what God has in store for us!

Sounds like a lot of fun!

Now to leave you with a bit of humor.
This is a startled tree on the golf course I walk Cooper on. I guess he just figured out he was the only naked tree there!
Is this not natures way. Giving us humor as well as beauty.
My challenge to you is to keep your eyes and heart open every moment of every day to see what God has for you. He has a since of humor too :)


  1. Adventure can be a gd thing...scary... but... I have no doubt you will succeed at whatever you do! Your sense of humor will get you through all the changes and challenges that face you...

  2. Adventure is a good word. Much better than trepidation or fear. And who knows what wonderful happenings are in store for you!

  3. I see people all over choosing a word for the year and I want to do it and then as you said I would probably forget about it and then in 2012 think oh dear what about my word haha!!! Adventure is a great word and i actually was thinking along the same lines for myself so have a wonderful year filled with adventure and being able to face this new future and direction you are taking.

  4. I think you have a great attitude which, of course, is easier to have in easy times than challenging times. I wish you a year full of adventure!

  5. Hey, you. My camera is a Cannon T2i. The lens I used for most of those pictures, in fact, my very favorite lens is a 50mm prime lens 2.8. I LOVE it and highly recommend it. Happy shopping.
