Thursday, February 26, 2009

snowy pines
icy diamonds


Iced Red Berries

3 frozen Berries

Iced berry

glistening trees


What disruption it can cause in our lives! We can’t drive on it or walk on it. Work and school schedules get delayed and life seems to come to a halt.
On the other side. Life slows down and we can take the time to see the beauty of ice. When the sun shines through the ice covered bare trees it is a beautiful site. It seems like the trees just light up! To look at small things covered and encapsulated it seems they will be preserved forever. At least until the temperatures warm and the temporary beauty is gone. We get so frustrated when life gets interrupted but I think these are the times we need to learn to stop and appreciate what our lives are really about. Slow down and enjoy natures beauty and wonders. She is trying to give us a show and we are to busy to take time to wait and watch.
I have chosen several shots of red berries covered with ice and a few other things to share with you before spring gets here. Enjoy~

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


my walk shadows

winter fireworks


Most every day my dog Cooper and I take a walk. On these walks I find a lot of my images. On one very snowy evening and the next morning I took my camera to see what I could find. I know most of us are sick of winter but there are still several weeks of winter left and I want to share these images before we get to where we can not appreciate the beauty of the coldest months. I will be posting more images from these walks but I will start with these images. I hope they inspire you today.

Sunday, February 22, 2009